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APIC Consulting ICAR Initiative for Skilled Nursing Facilities

Scheduling has ended for ICARs in Skilled Nursing Facilities and Personal Care Homes.

Between May 2021 and July 2022, the Healthcare Associated Infections/Antimicrobial Stewardship team within the Bureau of Epidemiology partnered with APIC Consulting Services on a statewide, non-regulatory infection prevention and COVID-19 response improvement initiative for skilled nursing facilities. During this time, over 360 PA skilled nursing facilities participated. Project activities were designed to support participating facilities to pinpoint and improve upon key infection prevention focus areas, even during times of staff shortage and/or outbreaks.


Part of the ICAR Initiative included a series of four live webinars that were put on by long-term care infection prevention and control experts on various topics. You can access recordings of each webinar at the links below!

Need help setting up a TRAIN PA account? See this document: How to Create a TRAIN PA Account

IPC Resources for Facilities